After I saw all the bruises on Jake's body, I called his doctor (yes at night) and told her I had no clue what was going on, I didn't feel good about what I saw and that something was off. She looked at him the next day at church and ordered blood work to be done Monday morning. Monday morning, we all four go to the clinic and being a small town and our luck, we were "The first 'kid' patient in the new hospital!" Not what we wanted to be greeted with; I mean they were nice and all but I didn't want to be there at all!! As I'm walking in with Jake and trying to prepare myself more than him since I hate needles, his nose starts to bleed. We were able to stop the bleeding but this was not a good sign. They took us back to a room and we met with the doctor, John took Jake back to get blood work done, and we left. We were told that it would be first thing the next morning when we heard the results.
**Side note, I'm NO doctor but we have realized through this whole thing that if you want results quickly, do not go to a clinic!!! Go to a hospital to get it done!!
We went on about our day as normal as we could be. The worst thing is not knowing....everyone was concerned and asking questions and all I could say was "I don't know."
Oh, and how did Jake do with the needles? Excellent!!! He was a champ, never cried, didn't move and watched all the blood (4 vials) come out of his arm!!
We allowed Jake to take his own doctor's kit with him since we didn't know how traumatizing the blood work would be for him. :)
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