Sunday, July 27, 2014

JULY 10 & 11

Thursday, July 10, 204     

We left the ER and drove to my parents house to get Jaden.  We were ready to just be home.  Jaden had missed us and we had missed him!  Jake fell asleep on the way to my parents and we thought that would help his headache.  We got out, saw my parents for a little while, got all Jaden's stuff loaded up and headed home.  The ride was uneventful which was great, but as soon as we got home, Jake got sick.  He has never thrown up in his life so he had no clue what to do or what was going on.  We got him and his room cleaned up and I laid down with him in my bed.  I was exhausted, he was tired and not feeling well and this would give John and Jaden time together.  Jake and I slept about 2 hours and woke up around 6 pm.  He was burning up!!  I took his temperature and it was 102.  At this point, I called the pager number for the doctor and waited for a response.  The same doctor we had seen in the hospital called back and reassured me that all were normal side effects of the treatment and unfortunately he just got all three of them.  
     It still is weird to me how NOTHING happened while in the hospital but the moment we stepped out everything that could happen, did.  Friday night was long, we gave Jake Tylenol every 2 hours but it didn't do much.  He was so hot all night, cried about his head and I felt awful.  The next morning, Jake, Jaden and myself all slept in.  It is amazing how nice your bed feels after not being in it.  John went back to work and was gone when we got up. When Jake woke up, I had him walk to the living room.  He had not put weight on his legs in a while since we just carried him around and he moved very slowly.  He would turn very slow, walk very slow, and move his body even slower.  
    I called a friend to take Jaden to do activities at Kid's Day down at the soccer fields.  I knew I was too tired to be a nice person and I was emotionally drained by this point.  The sleep definitely helped but I still needed time to recover.  We had a few people stop by and see Jake.  He really enjoyed the visits and presents.  It helped the days go by more quickly and I appreciated everyone that came by!  When John got home, we took Jake to the clinic here in town to get his blood drawn that will be four days of being poked with a needle in the last five days.  :(  
     I told the doctor about our horrible experience at the hospital and that I would not go back without John there to at least help.  We were able to go to the clinic to have it done then it was sent to the hospital so they could get the results faster.  So, after a short time, we learned that Jake's platelet count was 39!  I was so happy to hear it had gone up even more!  Relived and hopeful are two words that come to mind when I think about how I felt.  

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